Lawyer Schreiber Munich


Strategy. Expertise. Communication. Experience...

in labour law, commercial law, civil law, company law, family law, tenancy law, traffic law, media law and business law


Lawyer and business economist

Personal & reliable

Always there
for you

Experienced and successful


Lawyer Munich • Law firm Schreiber • Legal advice in labour law & civil law and much more.

Legal advice and representation by law firm in labour law, civil law, commercial law, tenancy law, company law, family law, inheritance law, traffic law, media law, business law and contract law

We provide private individuals, entrepreneurs, self-employed persons, freelancers, employers and employees with competent, comprehensive and reliable support in all legal matters. In doing so, we stand for sound advice with a focus on labour law, civil law, commercial law, tenancy law, company law, family law, inheritance law, traffic law, insurance law and contract law and contract drafting. Of course, we also provide legal advice to self-employed persons and entrepreneurs on the highly topical issues of media law (internet law) and commercial law. Our priority is to be available to you quickly and to take into account your company's internal organisational structures, processes and background and your other circumstances. With us, your legal situation is in perfect order. As an experienced lawyer, I will support you in all legal matters relating to your business activities.

The law office of attorney Benjamin F. Schreiber is located at Leonrodstr. 54 in Munich-Neuhausen / near Leonrodplatz.

About us...
Lawyer Schreiber München
Rechtsanwalt Münchjen

Civil law and labour law in Munich

Specialised attorney

Civil law regulates legal relationships between us and others - it gives us the opportunity to enter into a legal relationship with others and regulates this relationship. The main means of organisation in civil law are contracts under private law. Whether settling outstanding claims (e.g. rent, wages, purchase prices), defending against unjustified claims or defending against warnings and cease-and-desist declarations - with our experience in general civil law, we can help you achieve your rights.

The modern world of work with its many rights and obligations places high demands on both employees and employers. Drafting contracts, cancellation (dismissal), protection against dismissal, severance pay, but also warnings and harassment are all part and parcel of labour law today. In the event of problems in the workplace or with employees, it is therefore important to act quickly. Attempts at mediation and negotiations led by an experienced labour law attorney can defuse many labour law problems at an early stage. We also recommend that both employees and employers have their employment contracts checked in order to avoid problems later on.

Further specialisations as a lawyer in Munich

Legal advice in many areas of law

Legal assistance and reliable legal advice are needed more and more often these days. More and more laws, more and more regulations, but also more and more often the failure of conflict resolution through a simple dialogue between the parties involved, ensure that it is difficult to get by without legal assistance. We can therefore provide you with comprehensive advice in the following areas and, of course, many more on request.

Tenancy law naturally affects a large proportion of the German population, as the proportion of owner-occupiers in Germany is relatively low compared to other European countries. Would you like to know how to defend yourself against unjustified rent increases? Do you have problems with tenants in your property? Would you like information on tenancy agreements or the issue of personal use? Then we can help you as a lawyer specialising in tenancy law...

Today, contracts regulate almost everything. And it's not just the "small print" that is important. Contractual German, however, is often almost a language of its own. Much of what is easy to read in contracts is difficult to understand without legal background knowledge, or to assess its full implications. A lawyer specialising in contract law ensures that you know what's going on right from the start...

Rechtsanwaltskanzlei München

Our aim and motivation is to be the best lawyer for your individual concerns. In addition to our focus as a Munich lawyer for civil law and labour law, we also actively advise you in our law firm in other areas of law.

  • Tenancy law (review or drafting of tenancy agreements, conducting eviction actions or payment actions, termination of personal use, neighbour law, rental defects, ...)
  • Family law (separation/divorce, marriage contract,...)
  • Inheritance law (drafting wills and inheritance contracts, company wills, Berlin wills, etc.)
  • Insurance law (liability insurance, occupational disability insurance, health insurance,...)
  • Traffic law (claims settlements after accidents, defence in fine proceedings,...)
  • Media law (competition law infringements, copyright protection,...)
  • Commercial law (contract law, start-up legal advice, compliance, supply chain law,...)

From our law firm in Munich / Neuhausen, we advise clients from all Munich neighbourhoods (Altstadt-Lehel, Ludwigsvorstadt, Isarvorstadt, Maxvorstadt, Schwabing, Au-Haidhausen, Sendling, Westpark, Nymphenburg, Milbertshofen, Giesing, Harlaching, Thalkirchen, Forstenried, Fürstenried, Solln) and from the greater Munich area and surrounding area (Starnberg, Gauting, Wolfratshausen, Fürstenfeldbruck, Dachau, Freising, Erding, Ebersberg, Garching, Unterföhring, Aschheim, Feldkirchen, Neubiberg, Unterhaching, Pullach, Grünwald, Gräfelfing, Planegg, Neuried, Ismaning, Oberschleißheim, Ottobrunn, Taufkirchen,...) and of course also nationwide (Augsburg, Nuremberg, Würzburg, Schweinfurt, Ulm, Kempten, Landsberg, Memmingen, Landshut, Regensburg, Ingolstadt, Bamberg, Amberg, Weiden, Lindau, Garmisch, Leipzig, Dresden, Stuttgart,...).

Your advantages: We are flexible at all times and communicate as you wish. In person, by phone, in writing, video chat.

Legal advice in Munich / Neuhausen

Lawyer search is the search for the best legal advice

The majority of our clients have felt that they have been in good hands with us for a long time. This is because they know that they will always receive the best professional service and personal support at our law firm.

We are always available for them, provide personalised advice and take the necessary time to be fully aware of all the little details.


Every case is different - every case requires a different approach in order to do justice to the subject matter and the client.


Expertise is not about holding titles - it is about constant, professionally correct, practical work over many years.


Legal standards alone do not solve cases - efficient communication with the client, but also with the other side, ensures real results.


We provide specialised lawyers to represent your personal and business interests.

Need legal advice in Munich? What can we do for you? Please contact us.

We stand for personal advice, constant availability and professional expertise - for your good rights

+49 (89) / 139 284 10